Published Monday, November 28, 2005 by Mathieu.

The sentence the word was seen in or whatever text is available is shown to the user to help them. They are given 3 to 5 seconds to recall what the word means, then they decide for themselves whether they got it, almost got it, or had no idea. This changes the 'knowledge level' of that word for that type of exercise (the mock up shows the 'translate to native language [given an example sentence]' exercise.
No countdown should be shown on screen. They're distracting, stressful, and entirely unnecessary. The same amount of time is given for each slide. When the time runs out, the answer is shown and the user has to choose one of the three options, and the next question is shown and started. Clicking reveal will show the answer and (since this usually means the user confidently knows the answer) they can quickly click 'right'.
The 'last encountered' and 'last quizzed' fields should be updated accordingly. Same with other relevant fields.
The Wrong, Almost and Right buttons should be greyed out until the answer has been revealed.
The Title 'Recent Words' is the title of the Word List.
This window could be the main window blackened or taken over by the quiz interface. This stops people peeking, and it keeps the number of windows to a minimum.
Users could use the four arrow keys to indicate which button to press. Left, down, right, and up.