Published Tuesday, May 16, 2006 by Mathieu.
I've worked out how to access mySQL from perl (quite easy actually) using the documentation in the perl lecture notes and the error messages I was getting (I hadn't installed all the neccessary modules).
Actually, I didn't even need to create a new database, I just accessed the old one sitting there on my root@localhost - words_development, that rails had set up when I was playing around with that framework for development.
It's nice to know that if I ever want to implement a cocoa app or use another framework, the database is going to be sitting there nicely, just wating to be queried.
@nextactions are to add some more columns to the words table to add the more meaninful data that my current perl scripts use, and then to connect the exisiting scripts to the database so it can populate the database with words data.
One step closer... :-D
Published Monday, May 15, 2006 by Mathieu.
I'm finding that the perl and Unix courses, worth only 3 points each, are becoming very valuable to my practical programming skills. And I mean really valuable.