Cocoa, the development of Words, and other software projects (including those dang assessment tasks).
Apple has done a nice job of factoring out a lot of the hard stuff,
so that developers can spend more of their valuable time
concentrating more on what is unique to their applications. This
amounts to not re-inventing the wheel.
I have realised this while writing assignment 3 for CSE1402. At first
before I had discovered that it was OK to use OS X as the 'Target
Operating System', I went into all this detail describing what a
'drawer' was
... A special kind of window ...
But it turns out that all that was just wasted air. I could have just
'See Interface Builder's documentation on what a drawer is'
Since that's what the implementors are going to be using to actually
build the project.
So here's what I've learnt from this.
1. Know what system you are designing for from the start.
2. Know the system's capabilities well, preferably before you start
designing, so that you don't re-invent the wheel, as I said.
I suppose all this 'learn before you start' is easier said than done,
considering you learn a whole lot by doing. But it's something to
keep in mind and be primed to.
Know your tools!
RCS is like a simple project wide time machine that let's you travel
back in time to any version of your document and code, with a simple
command. Using it even for personal projects is essential.
I have to use the subjects I am learning and connect them to this project.
Some notes about the techdoc project.
MUST HAVE 20 Glossary items
runn aspell with English spelling on it.
Large % is expression. get it read out loud, or someone else to read it. Can read it out loud yourself.
User manual.
We want a walktrhough.
We want to walk the user through. You have to have a bucketload of figures.
We want mathematical formulae.
Follow the question and you'll get top marks.