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Just some notes that I couldn't really find a place for. The are related to Words in that they show what changes are going on in my life, where my motivation is coming from, and where I would like to take this project. And then there's some completely unrelated rubbish.

I am taking back control of my life.

I want to eat better, and loose the puppy fat. I want to be cut. I am giving up cake.
I want to make time for sex.
I want to study more and learn more.

I want discipline in my life..

I would like to go to America to check it out. 
What if I were to go to France and home stay while I looked for a job / modeled / worked on Software. 
Might I go to NY and do the same kind of thing? Find someone to stay with until I get settled.
What about if after I graduate I went to Japan or the US after being accepted into a company doing something like tech doc, or product specs, 
My background is in computers and technology. That's what I've got to work with.

If I can earn some money with software, enough to live of, then why join a company at all? Travel light, don't get tied down with a house, car etc. Be able to move about. If I am self employed, and making some money out of it, then I am free to move about and chace the modeling for as long at it will last. There you have it, plan B, all done beforehand. And working for me. 
I could go to Asia, Tokyo, NY, Europe. 
How exciting. 

I just need to get the foundations built first. This means
Continuing Education. University and Self. Developing software.
Keeping fit and modeling with Chadwicks.

A catwalk show. All the 'same' models walking together in one direction, and a lone individual one walking perpendicular to them, but they're stunning.

I guess at the end of the day I intend to leave the country for a while. After graduation, I will be intending to leave Australia and travel abroad. 

I guess it's funny to be always thinking about how good it's going to be to finish my desgree, but then at the same time think about how much I love my lifestyle at the moment. I love the way I am carefree, but does that need to change that much when I graduate? I guess the thing is that Mum and Dad won't be supporting me anymore, but then I feel confident that I will be able to get a job that will earn me more than they are giving me anyway. But that kind of job would be something like 9- 5 Mon - Fri. All jobs are like that really though. It can't be that bad, and if I liked the work, then it would actually be fun and stimulating. 

The other option is to work for myself. But once I have graduated, I can't see that I would be able to set myself up with a software buisiness, because I wouldn't have the finances and the surety to do so. I would have to work to support myself which wouldn't do because that would take away from developing time. 

Which leaves one option. To take this summer and next year and develop the software while I still have that parental support. In a way, it would be like they are helping me set up shop.

Then once graduation comes around, I might even have an income or at least an occupation, and imporantly a presence in the software community already.

Be proud of what you are learning and studying. It is who you are becoming. You don't conform to the steriotypical norm of Computer Scientist, IT geek. People who make it in this buisiness are those who know who they are and what they are doing. They have a goal and then go out and seek it right then and there.

The Java Rumor.?? Type a word into spotlight and have it come up. It's documentation. It's not meant to be read from beginning to end. It is meant to be used as a reference.

What about localisation of OS X applications into Japanese?

Lee Jeans are HOT

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