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Spec Writing Decisions and Issues

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One problem I'm facing while developing this spec is that I don't know what I've already written, and what else needs to be written. I have to get into the habit of just noting down the ideas that will be fleshed out later, underneath the proper headings.

I am also not sure about whether I should have the GUI stuff under it's own section, or if it should be put in with the parts describing functionality.

In my opinion, these things often go hand in hand. Often I will be describing how something words, and since A Picture Tells A Thousand Words, wouldn't it be better to have a sketch or mock-up of what the screen shall look like before you describe the functionality within?"

Main Window
----Figure 1: GUI
--------Entering Texts
--------Creating new Word Lists
--------Creating Quiz

etc, etc

This is fine, but as the functionality changes and expands, so does the GUI, and as the GUI is developed, functionality changes. So all I can really hope to do is write and design as I can. The only real decision I made above was a structural one that could have been decided easily once it was all done and finished.

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