My job is to teach the groupController to chuck word objects into the arrayController.
This involves teaching the SmartGroup and ManualGroup entities how to store or fetch certain words, so THEY can tell the groupController that 'I look at these word objects'.
Thank-you Justin! I think you may have solved my problem. Justin Anderson
I'm getting a proxyObject which, while is keyValueCoding Compliant, will not allow me to use the full functionality of the object.
I need to grab the actual object with
[[controller selectedObjects] objectAtIndex:0]
Ok, so I'm probably adding words to manual groups now, and setting their relationship, it's just that I can't see them!
But from the way it's looking and working at the moment, I think I have finally built a structure that will work.
It's a bit finneky though, and I worry about scalability. But let's work for a proof of concept first.
[]On program launch, update the group view
[]Remove the update button, it is no longer needed.
[]set the first 'language' word to be 'welcome'
[]It is adding a new word each time I click update. Stop that.
My database class is going to help with my data modelling too, since it is teaching me sound database concepts that I'm just faffing through at the moment. It's really really boring, but so powerful and important for data storage. Somehow I've got to make data storage exciting... ;-/
Anyway, back on the bus, I think it's safe to say that NSArrayController doesn't have any delegates, so I should probably try to stop checking, and just get on with connecting things up with outlets.
Fri 28th July
Groups! Oh Groups!

I had been getting a bit emotional about the fact that I couldn't get groups to work. But somehow I've managed to get something like it working. Admittedly the groups don't manage any words yet, but I think I'm well on my way to having that work.
The view is updated each time the language changes to reflect the groups that are associated with that language. You can create and delete the different types of groups.
The next thing to do is to
[]Order the groups by type, with the special 'library' smartgroup at the top.
[]Remove groups o
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