Look What I've Discovered!
Published Wednesday, October 12, 2005 by Mathieu | E-mail this post
Ahh Anyway they have this scholarship thing. Even if I don't end up getting anything from it at least I know there is a community there.
"finding ways to harness the iPod (and associated peripherals) for educational purposes."
2 December 2005 - Grant Applications Close
- 16 December 2005 - Grants Announced.
<<<<<<Could this be a 'final project'?>>>>>>>>>
I also discovered a bi-yearly journal called 'Wheels' which had some interesting articles:
About popularity of English in Korea and the learning of it on mobile devices, and about mobile learning in general.
About podcasting and iLecture
About the inadequacies of newsgroups (who uses them) and how RSS and Blogs are preferred technologies.
I was also excited to learn about how the people from Melbourne Uni went to some conferences in the USA, and also about how there were all these people in Australia thinking about all this stuff! I mean it brings the whole Mac thing so much closer to home it's great.
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