Fixed the SVN commit but just creating a new folder for Words.
Seems like this skeleton I'm building should work in the end.
Does every language have a pivot language?
What if the array controller just fetched ALL dictionary objects, and I set a filter on it which can then further be filtered by the user searching with a search field to narrow it down?? If that was even needed. They will easily be able to see by looking at the table view which language the dictionary being reperesented will translate to. I don't need to do EVERYTHING for them!
That's the way to go about it!
Just chuck a dictionary into core data, and fetch it as I need it by setting the predicate on the arraycontroller.
Here's the pseudo code that creates dictionary objects
// interface action which gathers the needed data and creates a new dictionary object.
- (IBAction)createNewDictionary:(id)sender{
//get the currently selected language.
//create a new dict protocol dictionary (because that's the tab view that is selected)
// create a new dict protocol dictionary in the moc
// set the name, server, database etc
// test the connection
//if connection is bad, report error to errorField
// set the target language to current Language + xxx (for use in fetching)
//close the window (and dictionary should be fetched by the arraycontroller to show in
// "available dictionaries"
[customDictPanel close];
Working on drag and drop using sample code from mmalc and other Apple documentation.
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