Cocoa, the development of Words, and other software projects (including those dang assessment tasks).
What can be done with my software as it is.
Users can open a language which they are learning, and add words to
it, via a simple push button or though highlighting a word and
selecting a hot key.
Once in the system, users can organise the word as they please by
creating manual groups in which to contain the words, or by
organising them with smart groups. These are all ways in which the
list of words can be filtered.
Users can also search for the definitions of words by the search
menu, and if it isn't already found within your words database, it
will ask if you want to add it. Clicking add will add the word.
Users can set dictionaries which the words they enter will be looked
up in. These are set by checking them in the user preferences window.
More dictionaries can be downloaded from the Dictionary Downloader
view, via a simple drag and drop interface.
Once dictionaries are set up (a once of thing) users click 'define',
which will search all the dictionaries set up to use for definitions.
The definitions found are visible in a text view in the main window.
Which translation language is visible is selectable via the language
list on the left of the window. If there isn't a translation
available in the language they wish, they have the option of writing
one themselves in the main text view. Using the main text view, users
can choose their 'top four' translations / definitions, which will be
used for flash cards and quizzing.
While a word is selected, users can click on 'Find', and a simple tag
search will be performed on the flickr online image database, and a
number of images will be returned. The user can browse the images,
and check 'keep' to save the image against this word.
That is as of Wed 11th October 2006, here's what I have planned for
the future.
Instead of or in conjunction with, users will also be able to define
their words though the playing of games which use what data is
available, and get users to fill in the blanks.
This will happen in a number of ways, which keeps it interesting.
Connect a user with another user with the same language combination.
Let them play games together and record all input. Where the data
input matches, record it as valid. Where it doesn't record it as
needs validating.
This is a general model from which a number of word games
incorporating sound, images, and words can be invented.
Users will then be able to turn to these games firstly as a way of
learning. They will still be able to see their lists of words that
they have encountered though gaming or though reading email in the
regular views. They will be able to earn points towards their total
points kitty, and compete against other players in the game.
All the words will be kept on a central server, and word on the
client side will be kept asynchronously up to date with the servers
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