Mathieu Tozer's Dev Blog

Cocoa, the development of Words, and other software projects (including those dang assessment tasks).


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Well that's the AUTOSOUP delivered. I'm beat. How exhausting was that assignment! Things I've learnt:
1. Don't use files for frequently used data (I can't believe I didn't think of this - I guess I didn't realise what scale I would be working on later on during the experimenting). It's simple really RAM is faster. Use internal data structures, dammit!
2. Keep a 'sandbox' for trying out little bits of code to make sure they work. You can make the little bits work properly from the start so that you don't have bugs later where the output from those little bits are eaten up by the rest of the program and are impossible to find.
3. Good, well written specifications (they weren't) are important to know exactly what you're meant to be coding.
4. To sleep at night, even though you have looping data swirling through your consciousness from 3 to 6 am

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