Cocoa, the development of Words, and other software projects (including those dang assessment tasks).
I think I'm a little burnt out...
There are times when you look at it in think, why! Why won't this
work? Will it ever work? And then you think - what if it doesn't? And
even if it does, is anyone going to use it anyway?
Maybe it's time to take a quick step out of implementation land and
look at what end goal I am looking at.
One major area is the definitions view, because I can manage all the
words I want in neat little smart groups, but if I can't learn the
meaning of new words, then words is useless, right?
The definitions view should have some kind of divider between entries
Should be able to indicate where the definitions came from.
Should have some kind of mechanism for choosing definitions. This
must be 'quick and sloppy'.
What about a highlight and click system? Highlight the text that you
want to be set as 'main' and then click a button or press a hot key
to set it. E and D or D C or something configurable.
Extensible type system? Can people actually be bothered with this?
It's an added extra that we might not even need to worry about.
What if the goal of words was more general, so that it was a defining
system for any kind of terms?
Then a dictionary would be simply a data source, somewhere to get
data from.
Google:define etc.
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