Cocoa, the development of Words, and other software projects (including those dang assessment tasks).
Have added a rudimentary quizzing system which was surprisingly easy
to implement. Hopefully other learning features will be a simple
matter of grabbing what's in the word array and playing with them in
whichever way!
It's still rudimentary because actually it relies on the 'main' defs,
of which there is still no fully implemented UI to specify. Might do
that next.
No languages defined - means that the intro tab is shown in the main
view... which gives a brief description of usage, and also allows one
to define one's first language to learn.
I want Words to ship with a number of supported languages and
dictionaries, so users can get started right away.
But where to store this data? The likely place is in a separate core
data managed persistent store. But how do I create this database?
With words itself? After all, the persistentStoreCoordinator will
just look for the sql in the spot that I tell it to. If it's not
there, then it should scream, but thing is, if it's INSIDE the
application bundle itself then there is no reason why it shouldn't be
So let's say we have a separate managedObjectContect to manage
'wordsSupportedFilesData' or something like that. Something other
than what I've forever been calling my 'managedObjectContext. It
would be bad programming but it would be fun to call it
'magicObjectContext' :-)
So, if I set up this new dashboard, then I can copy objects from this
one dashboard to the next without much trouble.
Well it took a little bit of staring at code, but now I have two data
stores. The new one is to store my internals...
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